Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Buying a Car

Intimidated, non-confrontational, and downright scared. That's how I feel on a car hunt. I want someone to tell me what to do and how to do it. The last car I bought I did a little (one hour) of research, 15 minutes of test-driving, and I bought the car. I liked the salesman because we had a mutual friend---and he seemed honest. It's been a good car, but it has an oil gel problem in the engine and somehow it feels like I should have known that. Like if I had done a little more research, been a little more bold, none of this would have happened.

Then that takes me back to what Toby, our pastor, preached about several weeks ago. The "If only" syndrome. If only I had done blank, or if only I had blank, I would be satisfied. I make agreements with these type statements on a regular basis and then find myself either beaten up, full of anxiety, or just bummed.

I am looking out my front window right now and see a beautiful bird happily singing on a tree branch. Every morning they sing!
Is it really true that my Creator can make me that free of heart? That indeed He likes me even when I'm in this state of anxiety? Amazing thought.

I woke up in the night, worried but not sure exactly why. An old song came to mind, and the words comforted me:
"All your anxieties, all your cares. Bring to the Mercy Seat, leave them there. Never a sorrow He will not share, never a friend like Jesus."