Thursday, July 05, 2007

Today is the day Brandon and Courtney get married. The weather is unseasonably cool and less humid than normal here in Bluffton, SC, where we are enjoying the Palmetto Bluffs Resort-- site of the big event. The little people in our family had a blast climbing the five-story tree house multiple times, while the bigger people enjoyed it too but were a lot more tired after the climb to the top. Even Grandpa and Grandma Rhodes seemed quite agile in their ascent!

Low Country Boil, fried okra, cornbread, watermelon, an oyster roast, a blue grass band---together with family and friends---made the rehearsal dinner at an outdoor pavilion on the water FUN. As we were getting on the trolley to head back to the resort, we could see fireworks over the water. We could hear Chloe squeal as she got her second wind. The smells of the ocean reminded us of past weeks at the beach, and we dodged tree limbs that pushed their way into open trolley.

Beauty, warmth, love, fun--- remind me of Jesus because He came to restore a broken world.