Monday, June 23, 2008

On Mother's Day I settled down to read The Shack for the first time. By Tuesday I was beginning it for the second time. I found the story gripping and full of redemption. It was an answer to a prayer I frequently pray, "Father, reveal Who you are. Set the world right," from The Lord's Prayer, The Message version. I loved the parts of the story where the persons of the Trinity related to each other perfectly, as we will perfectly relate to God and each other one day. The story was a picture of the hope we have for Shalom when God does set everything right on this earth.

As a result of reading this book, I often think I can almost hear Papa say to me, "Sharon Rhodes Hall, I am especially fond of you." I recommend it as a thought-provoking read that will, if you are like me, shake up your misconceptions about God.

To look at the web site, click here.