Sunday, September 21, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I did my usual fretting about choosing a color for the drapes (or anything, for that matter). I like it, no--I dont' like it. Oh, wait a minute---am I thinking through someone else's eyes or mine?
Should I choose neutral, more the shade of the trim? No. Too bland. Short story is I picked this color swatch, brought it home and laid it on the rug, the chair, the sofa, the wall, and I picked it. I needed 17.5 yards, and there was exactly that much on the bolt. A sign? Probably not. Anyway, here is one shot of how it looks in my living room now. When I first walked in to the house and saw them yesterday, I liked them! When I was sitting on the couch last night, I thought maybe I should have gone bland....Right now, I think I like them.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

This feels a little scary for me to post, but I think I want to do it anyway. I wrote a psalm at the suggestion of my counseling sessions:

Papa/Jesus/Spirit, Holy Trinity, Creator and Redeemer, Restorer of humanity, my sin of over-achievement for the purpose of self-glory has been part of me as far back as I can remember. "Striving" to be excellent in everything has not brought rest, and over-work for accolades is not in the rhythm of grace, but I have striven, and I have over-worked. I have been tyrannized by my trying to be the best in everything--in fact, obsessed with being as perfect as possible. Experiencing a failure or encountering someone who didn't like my ideas would send me to the depths of despair inwardly. I felt defensive, and relationships became strained as a result. You give strength to work hard. You give rest to the weary. You lead in pleasant, green pastures, by still waters. There is life only in You. Help me to get strength to work and serve from your Spirit, beauty from being in Your presence, and confidence in You alone. Free me from false guilt, and protect me in Your truth from the lies of the enemy. Amen.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I Beat David in P-I-G

But here's a video that shows him making a shot to cancel out my win....we agreed.
Some pics from the Hall Labor Day Eve cookout--

Chloe and her baby

That's ketchup on Ella Hall's chin.

The blue car was a hit.

as well as the Jeep

When it started raining,
it was time for a story with Uncle Ben/daddy